Thursday 25 January 2007

Prison Overcrowding

The simple and most obvious answer to prison overcrowding is not to stop issuing custodial sentences. The answer is for the population to stop committing crimes.

Most other things in our lives have been 'de-valued', but a crime that warrants a custodial sentence should always warrant one - and the sentence handed down by the Judge should be served in full.

So no more 'time off for good behaviour'. Instead there should be 'time added for bad behaviour'.

I heard on the News that lawyers are already in touch with prisoners who are being returned to a prison previously condemned as 'unfit for human habitation'.

The reason the prison is being re-opened is because of overcrowding due to underfunding. The reason the prison is unfit is because of underfunding. So having to pay compensation will relieve the situation?

Until there is not one law abiding person left needy in the country, convicted criminals should come lower on the ladder. As they say, "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime."

Vehicle Tracking and Road Pricing

If the worst happens and these crazy schemes are introduced, I trust I will be able to "offset" my speeding against time spent stuck in traffic jams or behind dawdling vehicles.